Resources/ Tools
Neuropredict: Easy and comprehensive analysis of predictive power of biomarkers.
Visualqc: Easy and rigorous quality control for neuroimaging data.
Graynet: Helps extract individualized single-subject networks (pairwise links between ROIs) from T1 mri features such as
cortical thickness, gray matter density, subcortical morphometric features, gyrification and curvature.
Pyradigm: This is a Python class defining a machine learning dataset to ensure key-based correspondence within samples and maintaining integrity across samples. neuropredict leverages this package to a great effect.
Hiwenet: Histogram-weighted Networks for Feature Extraction, Connectivity and Advanced Analysis in Neuroscience
Rotman Research Institute | Baycrest
3560 Bathurst Street, North York Ontario, Canada M6A 2E1 |